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The Contributions of Muslim Faith-Based Organizations to Development: The Case of Muhammadiyah in Indonesia

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17 Oktober 2018 03:11 WIB
Dibaca: 1327
Penulis : Wagma Isaqzoy




The Contributions of Muslim Faith-Based Organizations to Development: The Case of Muhammadiyah in Indonesia


By Wagma Isaqzoy




The objective of this research is to contribute to the limited literature that deals with development from a religious standpoint. This includes a critique of a Eurocentric definition of development and the potential of religion within culturally diverse societies where religion and development are thought to be the two sides of the same coin. In search for answers to the question of whether and how Muslim Faith-Based Organizations contribute to development, this thesis examines the role of Islam within the discourse of development using the case of Indonesia. The thesis demonstrates how Islam in Indonesia is proving to play an active role in the development of its society and contributing to the enhancement of women’s social condition. This is mainly due to the dynamic of Faith Based Organizations within the Indonesian society; the use of the Islam as a guiding principle; and women’s participation in the interpretation of religious texts.



Table of Contents:


Chapter 1: Introduction

Posing the Problem - 4

Objective - 6

Research Question - 6

Rationale and Justification - 7

Why Islam? - 8

Selecting a Case - 9

Conceptual and Theoretical Framework - 10

Development - 10

Religion - 13

Theoretical Framework - 14

Research Methodology - 15

Thesis Statement - 20

Structure of the Thesis Argument - 20


Chapter 2: Religion and Development: A Literature Review 

Development Thought and Practice - 23

Development from the 1940s to 1970s - 25

Development from the 1980s Onwards - 27

Alternative forms of Development (AD) - 29

Religion - 41

Religion as a Tool for Change - 43

Historical Avoidance of Religion within Development - 51

Revival of Religion in Development - 56

Faith-Based Organizations, Religion and Development Discourse - 58

Islam - 60

Misconceptions Surrounding Islam - 62

Development as an Islamic Term? - 69

Development in Islam - 76

Zakat and Sadaqa - 79

Ilm - 82


Chapter 3: The Indonesian Context

The State and Civil Society - 88

Under Sukarno - 89

Under Soeharto - 90

Post-Sukarno and Soeharto - 91

Potential of Civil society - 93

Islam in Indonesia - 97

Brief History - 97

Islam as a Guide - 100

Muhammadiyah - 103

Brief History - 103

Goal and Mission - 105

Work within Indonesian Society - 106

Women within Muhammadiyah - 110


Chapter 4: Data Analysis - 113

Field Research - 113

Direct Observation - 115

Interview Analysis - 124


Chapter 5: Conclusion - 143

Bibliography - 150





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